Folding Packaging Boxes
Personalización completa
In today’s fast-paced market, first impressions matter more than ever. Step up your presentation with our luxurious folding packaging boxes. Crafted from the finest materials, our packaging boxes aren’t just about looks. They’re about an experience. Open or close, they emanate sophistication. With every style available, find the perfect match for any occasion or product.
Elija entre varios estilos
Each style of folding box offers unique advantages, y la elección depende de las necesidades específicas del producto y de los objetivos de embalaje de su marca.. Whether it’s a sleek minimalist design or an ornate, intricate pattern, there’s a box tailored just for you.

Straight Tuck End Boxes
- Easy to assemble.
- Clean look with tuck ends not interfering with the front panel design.
- Suitable for both manual and automated assembly.

Reverse Tuck End Boxes
- Secure closure.
- Easy to assemble.
- Cost-effective due to less material usage.

Auto-Lock Bottom Boxes
- Strong and secure bottom.
- Easy to assemble.
- Can hold heavier items without the bottom opening.

Snap-Lock Bottom Boxes (1-2-3 Bottom Boxes)
- Secure bottom closure.
- Suitable for carrying heavier items.
- Extra strength, though requires a bit more time for assembly.

Tuck Top Auto-Bottom Boxes
- Secure closure.
- Easy to assemble.
- Combines the benefits of a tuck top box with an auto-lock bottom.

Seal End Boxes
- Extremely sturdy and secure.
- Sealed end that is glued or stitched for added strength.

Double Wall Tuck Front Boxes
- Secure and sturdy structure with a double wall for added strength.
- Large surface area for branding or product information.

Four Corner Tray Boxes
- Easy to assemble.
- Provides a sturdy structure.
- Can be conveniently flattened and reassembled.

Hexagon Boxes
- Unique shape that stands out on the shelf.
- Provides six sides for branding or product information.

Gable Boxes
- Convenient handle for easy carrying.
- Large surface area for branding.
- Easy to assemble.

Contacta con nuestros expertos para resolver cualquier duda que puedas tener. Estamos esperando aquí 24/7.
Materiales populares que utilizamos
proceso de manufactura
Tablero de fibra corrugado
tablero de fibra corrugado, también conocido como cartón corrugado, Está hecho de tres capas de papel que incluyen un forro interior., un revestimiento exterior, y una capa intermedia acanalada.
- Muy fuerte y duradero, proporcionando una excelente protección para los productos.
- Ligero, reduciendo los costos de envío.
- Se puede imprimir en, permitiendo la personalización.
- Respetuoso del medio ambiente, ya que a menudo está hecho de materiales reciclados y es biodegradable.
Tablero de fibra corrugado de una sola cara
El tablero de fibra corrugado de una cara consta de un revestimiento plano adherido a un medio corrugado. (acanalado). Las flautas expuestas proporcionan un efecto de amortiguación.. Tipos populares: Flautas A/C/E/F de una cara.
Tablero de fibra corrugado de pared simple
El tablero de fibra corrugado de pared simple consta de un revestimiento plano adherido a cada lado de un medio corrugado.. Es el estilo más común utilizado para cajas de envío.. Tipos populares: Flautas A/B/C/E/F de doble cara..
Tablero de fibra corrugado de doble pared
El tablero de fibra corrugado de doble pared consta de dos capas de medio corrugado intercaladas entre tres tableros de revestimiento planos.. Es más fuerte y rígido que el tablero de fibra de pared simple.. Tipos populares: Flauta AC de doble pared, Flauta BC de doble pared y Flauta EB de doble pared.
Tablero de fibra corrugado de triple pared
El tablero de fibra corrugado de triple pared consta de tres capas de medio corrugado intercaladas entre cuatro tableros de revestimiento planos.. Es el tipo de tablero de fibra corrugado más fuerte y rígido.. Tipos populares: Flauta AC de doble pared
Almohadillas corrugadas
Las almohadillas corrugadas son láminas planas de tablero de fibra corrugado que se pueden usar como divisores., almohadillas de capa, o almohadillas inferiores en una caja.
cartón rígido
El cartón es grueso., Material resistente a base de papel que es liviano pero resistente.. Se utiliza habitualmente para embalajes en cajas rígidas debido a su versatilidad y facilidad de impresión..
- Ligero, reduciendo los costos de envío.
- Fácil de cortar y dar forma, permitiendo una amplia gama de diseños de cajas.
- Se puede imprimir fácilmente, permitiendo colores vibrantes y diseños detallados.
- Disponible en diferentes grados para adaptarse a distintos niveles de necesidades de durabilidad..
Sulfato Sólido Blanqueado (SBS) Cartón
El cartón SBS se fabrica a partir de pulpa de madera virgen blanqueada., dando como resultado un blanco brillante, apariencia limpia. Se utiliza comúnmente para envases de alta gama., incluyendo cosméticos, productos farmaceuticos, y comida congelada.
Sulfato Sólido Blanqueado (SBS) El cartón es un cartón de primera calidad conocido por su brillo., limpio, and consistent appearance. While SBS paperboard itself is not categorized into different styles, it can be processed or finished in various ways to suit different applications.
Coated Unbleached Kraft (CUK) Cartón
Also known as Kraft paperboard, CUK is made from unbleached wood pulp. It's typically coated with a thin layer of kaolin clay to improve its printing surface.
Folding Boxboard (FBB)
FBB is a multi-layer paperboard with a mechanical pulp middle layer and bleached chemical pulp outer layers. It's a common choice for pharmaceutical, cosmetic, and food packaging.
White Lined Chipboard (WLC)
WLC es un tipo de cartón elaborado a partir de capas de papel usado o fibras recicladas.. La capa superior es blanca y, a menudo, está recubierta para proporcionar una mejor superficie para la impresión..
Tablero dúplex
El cartón dúplex es un tipo de cartón elaborado con dos capas., o 'capas'. El exterior suele estar recubierto para hacerlo más resistente al agua y proporcionar una mejor superficie para imprimir..
Cartón madera
El aglomerado está hecho de papel recuperado.. Es más denso y pesado que el cartón., por lo que es una buena opción para artículos más pesados.
- Respetuoso del medio ambiente, ya que está hecho de materiales reciclados.
- Rentable en comparación con otros materiales..
- Robusto y duradero, Proporcionar una buena protección a los productos..
- Se puede recubrir o laminar para un acabado más premium.
Aglomerado liso
Esta es la forma más básica de aglomerado., made from recycled paper that's been compressed into a rigid material. It's typically brown or gray in color. Cost-effective, especially for large orders. Respetuoso del medio ambiente, as it's made from recycled materials. Suitable for simple graphics and branding.
White-lined Chipboard
White-lined Chipboard has a white coating on one or both sides, providing a clean surface for printing. Ventajas: Provides a clean, bright surface for printing. More attractive appearance than plain chipboard. Suitable for products where appearance is important.
Foil-lined Chipboard
Foil-lined Chipboard is lined with a thin layer of aluminum foil, making it resistant to moisture and odors. Ventajas: Resistant to moisture and odors. Provides a distinctive, high-quality appearance. Ideal for food packaging or other applications where moisture resistance is important.
Veneered Chipboard
El aglomerado enchapado está cubierto con una fina capa de chapa de madera auténtica., dándole la apariencia de madera maciza. Ventajas: Proporciona la apariencia de madera maciza a un costo menor.. Se puede teñir o pintar para combinar con cualquier decoración.. Ideal para muebles u otras aplicaciones donde se desea una apariencia similar a la madera.
Aglomerado de melamina
El aglomerado de melamina está recubierto con una capa de melamina., un tipo de plástico que se puede fabricar en una amplia gama de colores y patrones. Ventajas: Proporciona un duradero, superficie resistente a los arañazos. Disponible en una amplia gama de colores y patrones.. Ideal para muebles, estantería, y otras aplicaciones donde la durabilidad y la apariencia son importantes.
Pizarra gris
Pizarra gris, también conocido como aglomerado o tablero de partículas, Es un tipo de cartón que normalmente se fabrica a partir de papel reciclado.. Es conocido por su rigidez y grosor., haciéndolo adecuado para una variedad de aplicaciones como la encuadernación, hacer cajas, y en la construcción de modelos. Suele ser de color gris debido a los materiales reciclados utilizados en su producción..
- Proporciona excelente rigidez y espesor., mejorar la robustez de las cajas.
- Cost-effective.
- Se puede cubrir con una variedad de materiales para un acabado más atractivo..
- Hecho de materiales reciclados, convirtiéndolo en una opción ecológica.
Pizarra gris estándar
Un tipo genérico de tablero gris típicamente hecho de 100% material reciclado. Es gris por ambos lados con una ligera textura.. Ventajas: Respetuoso del medio ambiente, barato, robusto, y adecuado para una variedad de usos como la fabricación de cajas, tableros de respaldo para blocs de notas, y más.
Tablero gris laminado
El tablero gris laminado se superpone con varias láminas para lograr el espesor y la estabilidad deseados.. Ventajas: Permite personalizar el grosor y la resistencia., lo que lo hace ideal para usos intensivos, como encuadernación de libros de tapa dura y embalaje premium..
Tablero gris revestido
El tablero gris revestido tiene un revestimiento en uno o ambos lados para darle un aspecto más refinado o agregar propiedades adicionales., como un acabado brillante o resistencia a la humedad. Ventajas: El recubrimiento puede hacerlo más atractivo para usos donde la apariencia importa., como envases de lujo, y también puede agregar beneficios funcionales como resistencia a la humedad.
Pizarra gris forrada en blanco
El tablero gris con revestimiento blanco tiene una capa blanca en uno o ambos lados, proporcionando un limpiador, aspecto más profesional. Ventajas: Es más adecuado para imprimir., Artes graficas, y aplicaciones donde es deseable una superficie blanca.
Pizarra coloreada
El tablero gris de colores viene con uno o ambos lados cubiertos con papeles de diferentes colores.. Ventajas: Adds aesthetic value to the greyboard and increases its usability in crafting and other areas where color is important.
Greyboard with Grain
Greyboard with Grain has a visible grain texture on one or both sides. Ventajas: The grain can add visual interest and can also make the board feel more luxurious to the touch, making it suitable for premium packaging or bookbinding.
Papeles especiales
Specialty papers, such as textured paper, metallic paper, or velvet paper, are often used to cover the exterior of rigid boxes for a more premium look and feel.
- Provides a wide range of aesthetic options for box exteriors.
- Can enhance the unboxing experience with tactile and visual appeal.
- Allows for a high degree of customization to align with brand aesthetics.
- Can be combined with other materials for unique effects.
Textured Paper
Textured Paper has a distinct physical texture on its surface, ranging from subtle (like linen) to pronounced (like embossed or hammered). Ventajas: Adds a tactile element to print projects, can enhance the visual appeal and can increase the perceived value of a product.
Coated Paper
Paper that has a layer of coating applied to its surface to improve brightness, smoothness, and potentially other characteristics. Ventajas: Better reproduction of detailed graphics and photographs, resistance to dirt and moisture.
Metallic Paper
Metallic Paper has a metallic finish, often achieved with foil or a metallic ink. Ventajas: Creates a unique, luxurious appearance that can make printed materials stand out.
Synthetic Paper
Synthetic Paper are not made from traditional wood pulp but from synthetic materials like plastic. Ventajas: Highly durable, water and tear-resistant, and suitable for outdoor use.
Kraft Paper
Kraft Paper is typically brown, durable, and has a high tear resistance. Ventajas: Respetuoso del medio ambiente, durable, and versatile, often used in packaging.
Vellum Paper
Vellum Paper has a translucent, almost frosted appearance. Ventajas: Unique appearance, often used for overlays, tracing, or invitations.
Carbonless Paper
Carbonless Paper designed for making a copy of an original, handwritten (or mechanically typed) document without the use of any electronics. Ventajas: Allows for instant duplication of documents, often used in forms.
Watermarked Paper
Watermarked Paper has a watermark, which is a design or pattern that is visible when the paper is held up to light. Ventajas: Conveys professionalism and elegance, often used for stationery or certificates.
Handmade Paper
Handmade Paper made by hand using a mould and deckle. Ventajas: Each sheet is unique and can have a variety of textures, often used for fine arts or crafts.
Marbled Paper
Marbled Paper with a distinctive design that mimics the look of marble. Ventajas: Provides a visually pleasing and unique aesthetic for bookbinding, crafting, y más.
Although less common, some rigid boxes may incorporate plastic elements, such as clear windows or plastic handles.
- Provides a clear view of the product inside the box, enhancing visual appeal.
- Durable and resistant to moisture and other environmental factors.
- Can be molded into a variety of shapes and sizes.
- Can be combined with paper-based materials for a unique look.
Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET or PETE)
Clear, strong, and lightweight plastic. Commonly used in food and beverage packaging. Ventajas: Excellent barrier properties against water vapor and oxygen, which prolongs the shelf life of products.
High-Density Polyethylene (HDPE)
A strong and lightweight plastic that is resistant to impact, moisture, and chemicals. Often used for products that need to be sturdy and resistant. Ventajas: Good resistance to many common packaging needs, including chemical, moisture, and impact resistance.
Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC)
A versatile plastic that can be rigid or flexible and is used for a wide variety of purposes. Ventajas: Excellent clarity, can be heat sealed, and has good resistance to oil and grease.
Low-Density Polyethylene (LDPE)
A flexible, lightweight, and moisture-resistant plastic. Often used for wrapping and sealing applications. Ventajas: High flexibility, good resistance to moisture.
Polypropylene (PP)
A high-clarity, heat-resistant plastic often used in packaging foods that are to be microwaved. Ventajas: Excellent heat resistance, making it suitable for products that need to withstand high temperatures.
Polystyrene (PS)
A clear, hard plastic often used for disposable cutlery, yogurt containers, and similar products. Can also be expanded into foam (EPS) for protective packaging. Ventajas: Can be made into rigid or foam products, has excellent moisture resistance.
Polycarbonate (PC)
A strong plastic often used in electronics, automotive components, and construction materials. Ventajas: Extremely durable, resistant to heat, and transparent.
Polyethylene (PE)
The most common plastic, used in a variety of applications including plastic bags, plastic films, and geomembranes. Ventajas: Versatile, available in high-density (HDPE) and low-density (LDPE) variants to suit different needs.
Triangular Boxes
Triangular Boxes have a triangular shape and are used for unique product packaging or as gift boxes.
Custom Shapes
Rigid paperboard can be cut and molded into various custom shapes to suit specific products or branding. This includes heart shapes, hexagons, or any other unique shape.
Folding Boxes Videos Gallery
Each style of rigid box offers unique advantages, y la elección depende de las necesidades específicas del producto y de los objetivos de embalaje de su marca..
Automated Cutting and Creasing
We use automated cutting and creasing machines that are controlled by computer systems. These machines provide precise cuts and folds, ensuring each box is uniform and meets our high-quality standards. This technology also increases efficiency and productivity.
Digital printing technology allows us to print high-resolution images and text on the packaging boxes. This technology offers a wide range of colors and finishes, enabling us to create vibrant and attractive designs that enhance the visual appeal of the boxes.
Folding Boxes We made
for different industries
Over the years, we’ve worked with a diverse range of clients across various industries, from cosmetics and jewelry to electronics and gourmet foods. This has given us a deep understanding of the unique requirements and challenges each industry presents. Our team of skilled designers and craftsmen are adept at creating high-quality, durable rigid boxes that not only protect the product inside but also enhance the overall brand image.
We’ve mastered the art of incorporating intricate details, such as embossing, foil stamping, and custom inserts, to create a truly premium unboxing experience. Our commitment to quality, attention to detail, and customer satisfaction has made us a trusted partner for businesses seeking exceptional custom rigid packaging boxes.
Crafting Bespoke Packaging Boxes
for Your Brand Distinction
In a crowded market, differentiation is key. Learn how our custom-crafted packaging boxes, tailored to your brand’s identity and values, can set you apart from the competition and position your brand as a leader in your industry.

Custom Sizes
We understand that every product is unique, and so should be its packaging. We offer custom sizes for our packaging boxes to perfectly fit your product. This ensures not only a snug fit for your product but also reduces the need for additional packaging materials, making it a more sustainable choice.

Selección de materiales
We offer a variety of materials for your packaging needs, including cardboard, corrugated cardboard, Kraft paper, y más. Each material has its unique properties and aesthetic appeal, and we can guide you in selecting the best material for your product and brand image.

Printing Options
We provide a range of printing options to bring your design to life. From simple one-color printing to full-color CMYK printing, we can do it all. We also offer special printing techniques like foil stamping, embossing, and UV spot printing for a more premium look.

Logo and Branding
We can incorporate your logo and other branding elements into the packaging design. This can be done through printing, embossing, or even creating custom shapes in the box design. This helps to increase brand recognition and create a cohesive brand image.

Inserts and Dividers
If your product requires additional protection or organization, we can create custom inserts and dividers. These can be designed to fit your product perfectly, providing extra protection during shipping and a more organized unboxing experience for the customer.

Design Assistance
If you have a vision for your packaging but need help bringing it to life, our team of experienced designers can assist. They can help refine your design to ensure it's not only visually appealing but also functional and cost-effective.

Finishing Touches
To give your packaging a premium feel, we offer a variety of finishing options. This includes matte or glossy lamination, soft touch finish, y más. These finishing touches can enhance the look and feel of your packaging, adding to the unboxing experience.

Prototyping & Sampling
Before you commit to a large order, we can provide prototypes and samples of your custom packaging. This allows you to see and feel the quality of our boxes and the effectiveness of your design in real life, ensuring you're completely satisfied before moving forward with the full order.

Sustainable Options
For brands committed to sustainability, we offer eco-friendly packaging options. This includes boxes made from recycled or recyclable materials, as well as biodegradable options. We can also advise on design choices that can reduce the overall environmental impact of your packaging.
Get Your Unique Design

- Mon-Fri 9:00AM - 5:00PM
- Sat-Sun 10:00AM - 6:00PM
Why Choose Us As Your Partner
Explore More About us

Custom Design
CAD Darwing
3D model
Custom every detail sizes
Mark every material
Rapid Prototyping
Drawing Confirmation
Selección de materiales
Printing Confirmation
Short Lead Times
CAD Darwing
3D model
Custom every detail sizes
Mark every material
High-Speed Automated Cutting Machines
3D Printing for Prototyping
Flexographic Printing Presses
Laser Cutting and Engraving Machines
Digital Printing Technology
Sustainable Material Processing Facility
High-Precision Gluing and Folding Machines
Smart Warehouse and Inventory Management
Frequently Asked Questions
We have a rigorous quality control process in place that includes material inspection, in-process inspection, and final product inspection. Our QC team ensures that every box we produce meets our high-quality standards.
We use a variety of materials depending on the type of box, including paperboard, chipboard, corrugated fiberboard, and specialty papers. We can also accommodate specific material requests based on your needs.
We use state-of-the-art printing technology and high-quality inks to ensure vibrant, accurate colors and sharp details. Our print quality is checked during the QC process.
We offer a range of eco-friendly packaging options, including materials that are recyclable, biodegradable, or made from renewable resources. We can discuss these options with you to find a solution that suits your brand and product.
Sí, we adhere to international quality standards and regulations to ensure our products are safe, reliable, and of high quality.
Our boxes are designed and manufactured to withstand the rigors of shipping. We use sturdy materials and construction methods, and our boxes undergo testing to ensure they can protect your product during transit.

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